Hello all,

January has been a busy month in many ways.  Unfortunately, due to cholera in Zambia - the largest outbreak in years - schools did not open as planned on 8 January.  The date was postponed until 29 January, and yet again it has been postponed to 12 February.  I hope and pray that they will open on this date as the school calendar is now all mixed up for the year!  It is sad that in 2024 we are having so many deaths from cholera.  Of course, schools being closed means no income for our teachers either so its a disastrous situation right now. 

I am involved in helping the Christian Womens' Guild with a leadership project and we have been meeting some leaders in the church community in different denominations to ask them to assist in this project.  It is really good to get to know some women from outside of CCAP working in leadership positions in their churches and congregations across Zambia.

Rev Naomi Daka from CCAP and Rev Monica Banda from RCZ

Mrs Dailes Sakala, Chairperson of the Womens Guild in CCAP Synod of Zambia

This year, the Synod also want to have a retreat for Female Ministers in CCAP Synod of Zambia, so I am also on the committee to help organise this - it will be held in April, 2024.

I travelled to Mazabuka to have a meeting with two ministers who have moved to two of the congregations where we have ECD in Southern Province.  These young men are passionate about ministry and I hope and pray that they will support the ECD centres that they found in their congregations!  

Rev Kachulu and Rev Kunda

Standing outside Mazabuka CCAP where we had the meeting

I travelled to the Copperbelt for 2 days on 23 January: this time I flew to Ndola early in the morning, and then was escorted to various congregations by Rev Moses Chilembo who is the Presbytery Clerk in Ndola Luanshya presbytery.  I spent time in Chililabombwe with Rev Chifwe Mwale and his family, discussing plans for ECD in his congregation. 

Taking off from Lusaka...could almost be in Ireland!!

Preparing lunch

Rev Chifwe Mwale on the left of the photo with his wife to my right.

Then in Kitwe, I met with the leadership of Kwacha community school to discuss the ECD class they have.  I met with the Head teacher, the treasurer and the ECD teacher too. 

Rev Moses Chilembo, the Head teacher Mrs Mbulo and Mr Makota the treasurer

We then then visited Rev Pethias Kamanga in Wusakile congregation where they have an ECD centre already and had some good discussions about their plans to develop the school there.

Rev Kamanga second from left

I love meeting older people who have a wealth of experience and a lot of knowledge to share.  I was blessed to meet Rev Kamanga's mother and Rose Msiska - we shared stories and had some fun!  They are beautiful ladies!

Rev Kamanga's mother and Mrs Rose Msiska a past Women's Guild coordinator

On the way back to Ndola we visited Mpatamatu congregation in Luansyha to find out the plans for ECD in that congregation.  One of the Board members for ECD at Synod level was there to greet us with the Minister and his family.

Rev Kholokani Luhanga and family, who has recently arrived at Mapatamatu congregaton

Back to Ndola to Kabushi congregation where we are planning to build an ECD centre.  Right now, the field is full of maize, so once it is harvested, the work of building the foundations will begin!

I had a lovely meal with Rev Chilembo and family before rushing back to the airport to catch my evening flight to Lusaka!  It was a full but very beneficial trip and I was exhausted the next day!!

Rev and Mrs M Chilembo

I am hoping to visit Livingstone again in February if schools open to see the progress in Livingstone ECD and then in Mazabuka on my return journey!

I am privileged to have a swimming pool where I stay and have been swimming a lot to keep my strength up and have seen a difference in my muscle tone - for those of you who saw me before I came back to Zambia, my muscles were somewhat depleted after the illness.  I am blessed to have a lot of wildlife around too and so I will leave you with a few photos from around where I stay in Lusaka!

a sunbird at my window

a flame lily

African Paradise flycatcher

rainbow after the rain

a small brown house snake came to visit!

mushrooms in the garden

more mushrooms

First butterfly of the season

Thank you so much for reading my blog and supporting my work!  Much appreciated.

Much love,

